Terms of Agreement.
Payment information:
An anual recital fee will be due December 1st. $150 for one class per week, $225 for two classes, $275 for three or more classes. If you are not participating in the recital this fee will not apply to you.
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month and late by the 10th. A $10 late fee will be applied to late tuition. There are four payment options available to you.
Check (Payable: Legacy Dance Collective)
Venmo: (Tonya-Gonzalez-9)
ACH ( Automatic Clearing House, Auhorizes to debit directly from customers checking or savings account.)
Tuition is the same every month and will not be prorated for missed classes, observed holidays, or studio breaks. Tuition is calculated based on the number of weeks in the season which are distributed among 10 months. Our season is September - June 20th.
Release of Liability:
As the legal parent/ Guardian, I agree to the following with respect to Legacy Dance Collecive ( “LDC”) and my dancer.
I understand the inherent risks, typical hazards and potential consequences associated with dance or exercise.
I understand that there are risks of injury from the activities due to dance or exercise programs.
I do not have a (Pre-existing) medical condition that would prevent me from carrying out physical activity at L.D.C.
I am informed and aware of all the typical dance course hazards and associated risks and wish to obtain dance instruction from L.D.C.
I have read the release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing and I sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.
Rules of Etiquette:
Please arrive on time with appropriate dance wear and shoes. Hair must be pulled back away from face.
If dancer is disruptive to the class he/she will be asked to sit out until they can compose themselves.
Parents/guardians and care takers must be on time when picking up your dancer from class. A ten minute grace period will be granted. L.D.C does not provide after care.
Photo/Video consent:
I consent that all visual documentation of my child such as film, photo art, digital and audio recordings done by Legacy Dance Collective may be used without further consent, consideration, or compensation. Legacy Dance Collective will use these for marketing, publications, demonstration and social media. This includes but is not limited to our website Legacydancesthelena.com.